Numitraxica |
- - (from the Latin nummus - coin, traxerit - draw) - the art of creating images with the help of coins. Expressive means:: • color (the two main ones: metal white and yellow and their tones) • size (in most cases the diameter of the coin is from 7 to 45mm) • laying method Temporal characteristics: Numitraxic works can be: • temporary - laid out on any, preferably dark and monochromatic, horizontal surface, without the use of any bonding compositions (adhesives) and accessories (thread, wire, etc.) • permanent - attached to the surface, for example, an adhesive (preferably easily removable from the surface of the coin) in order that the product could be placed in a vertical plane. In most cases, it is 2D or combined operation. For decoration of the product, as well as the preservation and improvement of artistic value can be used in the design of a frames with glass. Specifications dimensions:: numitraxic works can be performed: • on a plane (2D) - these works are artistic form of presentation of numismatic collections • a volume (3D) • a combined approach: two-dimensional and three-dimensional works Basic principles: • The planar orientation of coins emphasizes composite line of product. Chaotic orientation (random rotation) is not allowed • In general, the coins of same face value laid on one side (obverse or reverse) - within an one composite group. Chaotic reupload of obverse or the reverse is not allowed • The reproduced images have a rounded shape, generally without sharp corners and sharp bends (associated with the round shape of coins) • The use of round objects (medals, casting, chasing, souvenirs round shape) is not allowed Laying methods: • "Ribbon" - a basic technique for planar images. Coins are placed close to each other • "squama" - the edge of the coins stacked on one another • «Bricks" - coins stacked on each other with a certain interval, overlapping by levels. Numitraxica and relaxation: Like other technologically similar actions (eg, sewing, folding puzzles, the game of Tetris), which resulted from the chaotic environment is transformed into an ordered system, numitraxica has a strong effect of psychological and emotional relaxation. Additional information: It should be noted that in numitraxic work along with the composition as a whole, images and alphanumeric information on coins have the weighty knowledge. This is of significant interest to the viewer. Numitraxica should not be confused with the use of coins in the arts and crafts, in particular, as ornaments in clothes. In this case, coins are used as an integral part of the product. Meanwhile numitraxic product is compositionally whole self-sufficient work. Nor are numitraxic product any different volumetric (3D) structures of the coins, the main purpose of which is underscore the efforts of authors to achieve a state of equilibrium structure. Mass media about numitraxica: • Money for drawing. Zviazda. No 212 (27822), 06.11.2014 • Money instead of paints. Litaratura i mastactva. No 2 16.01.2015 • Gomel Central City Library named after AI Herzen. Library Bulletin. Issue #1 (43) (2015) |