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Yakov Matusevich
  Yakov from Toronto informed us that he had moved to Canada from Minsk in 1980. Yakov is a representative of the Jewish branch of the Matusevich's, the relative of the well-known musician Gregory Matusevich.  Yakov's wife Natalia Matusevich For many years, his ancestors had lived in Minsk. Now, most of his relatives, also Matuseviches, reside in USA and Germany. Yakov graduated from the Byelorussian State University (Faculty of Applied Mathematics) in 1975. In Canada, he owns and runs a management consulting firm.
  Mr. Jakov's son Andrey, in 2002 has finished study at University of Toronto, where he, in particular, have been studying English Literature and Philosophy. By words of Andrey, relatives of his family live also in Boston and in Georgia, in USA.
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