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Simon Matusiewicz from Melbourne was born in 1963 in Polish Starachowice, near to city of Kielce. On words of Simon, his great-grandfather's name was Alexander. He also was born in Starachowice. Grandfather's name was Jozef. In Vilno he married on Rachela Glawdel. He had one brother Stefan and three sisters - Pola, Anna and Leokadia. Jozef Matusiewicz has died in concentration camp Auschwitz in 1944.
Two brothers of Simon's grandfather have moved to Northern America before 2nd world war.
In Australia Simon has arrived in 1981. In Melbourne he has own business in area of transportation of cargoes.

Daniel Matusewicz from Melbourne Australia has written that his father Stanislaw and grandfather Waclaw arrived in Melbourne Australia in 1947 from Lebanon. Stanislaw was born in Vilno on 16/6/1932; he was the only child in the family. He worked as Photographer. Waclaw was born 9/7/1886 in Saint Petersburg. He was a diplomat, industrialist and an engineer. During World War II, Waclaw was the Middle East Commissioner of Immigration based first in Tehran Iran and then Beirut Lebanon.
The ancestors of Daniel for hundreds of years held estates in the territory of the present Oshmyany region (Starosele, 7 km. from Ashmiany - see the photo.). At the beginning of the WW II Waclaw was arrested and placed on trial, and the family was forcibly evicted from their Estate. Only the presence of a diplomatic passport saved Waclaws life.
Daniel has written that his entire surname is Matusewicz herb Ogonczyk. Daniels Father Stanislaw remembers a bear was depicted on the Family seal. Daniel has been told the surname Matusewicz comes from the ancient-Lithuanian "Matus" ("bear") and the Polish extension "ewicz" ("Son of"). This means the verbatim English translation of Matusewicz would be "Bearson" (the "son of bear"). But Daniel prefers nevertheless the original version - Matusewicz:-).
Daniel is interested in discovering more of the history of his ancestors. In particular, he seeks more information about his great-grandfather, who was a director of the Russian Imperial Railways. Daniels grandfather, Waclaw was eldest of two sons and five (7?) daughters.
Daniel works as Scheduling Manager in the company Ausreo. He was born 27/4/1963. His brother Robert born 13/10/1965 is a Metallurgist, and works as a Senior Process Engineer in the company Ausmelt. The Family is of the Catholic Faith.

Wieslaw Matusewicz has born 1.04.1943 in Molczadz vil. (Baranowiczy area). His father is Jan Pavel Matusewicz, mother is Anna Woroniec-Matusewicz. The family had mill in Molczadz. In 1946 they has moved in Poland. Wieslaw's sister has died in Wloszech, brother lives in Texas, Wieslaw with wife lives in Newcastle. Wieslaw have two sons - Robert and Sebastian.
Many long years Wieslaw has worked as pilot. He has flown on many airplanes: An, Jak, CSS-13, Gawron ,Wilga ,Dromader-M18, Kruk, TS-8Bies, L-200 Morawa, Zliny, Cesna,Piper-Powneey and on 18 types of different gliders.
 Wieslaw died 12/29/2015. The memory of this remarkable man will live forever in our hearts.